Growth by design

Making global market expansion effortless

U.S. market entry strategy

Are you a product or services company based in Europa, Africa, Asia or Australasia, looking to enter the United States market? Well you’ve come to the right place. At MW Strategy we specialize in demystifying U.S. market expansion for our clients. We strive to reduce the complexity and stress in taking the plunge into the U.S. market.

Our services

  • Go-to-Market Strategy

    Using MW Strategy’s unique playbook and approach, we answer the questions “where to play”, “how to win” and design a business model to make it happen.

    Our approach includes collaborative workshops, deep analytics, internal and external interviews, focus groups, market modeling, and competitive research. While we customize our approach and timeline to your needs, we will have playbooks and analytical frameworks that will ensure the work is done efficiently and effectively.

    We deliver a concrete strategy and a tangible roadmap that gives you and your organization or board the direction it needs to make it happen.

  • Opportunity Sizing

    If you are not ready to commit to expansion and are purely looking to size the Opportunity, we can do a 4-8 week quick scan in which we size the overall market, and your relevant market segment, depending on available data, and estimate your company’s near and long term opportunity.

  • Implementing Go-to-Market

    Multi-month support to ensure that opportunities are realized, processes improved, connections built and results achieved.

Building connections for better results

We create connections for better results. Connectivity is all around us, and yet we find lots of silos in society, in organizations and in ecosystems. How do you enable and power the right connections in efficient and effective ways?

We love designing strategies and developing plans, so you know where you are going and can get going. That is always the starting point.

We know that real business success is dependent on people, and the connections between people. We have experience in connecting departments, goals, KPIs, regions, partner relationships, teams, boards and leadership. We also believe in the connection between technology and people. The best results are achieved when both tech and human capabilities are optimally used.

Connecting Europe and US, connecting strategy with financial results, connecting costs and revenues, connecting product and tech, connecting people, productivity and profit.

We connect for better outcomes.

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